My family has farmed and ranched in the Wolf River Valley of northeast Kansas since before the Civil War. I am very much opposed to the release of genetically engineered RoundUp Ready Alfalfa. Once released it cannot be contained. Most of the rest of the world doesn’t want GMOs, or their food supply dominated by a few. We harbor greedy entities such as a Tyson and Monsanto so they can try to force their will on the rest of the World. Then we try to deal with our political problems with militaristic solutions that are becoming very expensive. Perhaps our present economic instability could be dealt with better if we had a profitable rural America as envisioned by Jefferson, instead of trying to industrialize it. Those who do not appreciate our domination excesses are labeled as so called “terrorists,” a term unfamiliar before the Reagan Era. The solution for terrorism is not USA militarism, but for the West to practice the “Golden Rule.” The USDA sanctioning the release of genetically engineered Round-Up Ready Alfalfa is contrary to the “Golden Rule.”
In conclusion the release of GE alfalfa will lessen options for sustainable farmers, curtailing the economic contribution of rural America to our present economic weakness. It will benefit few and hurt many. It will further diminish world support for the USA, an arena in which we have already lost too much, and sow seeds for further conflict.