Not only is our freedom to grow open-pollinated varieties threatened but our democracy is challenged. By not labeling products which are using the transgenic technology, transgenic/GMO companies keep the public purposely in the dark. They have garnered this position by making sure that they have representatives loyal to their company and production well positioned in the government. This has been going for at least 20 years or more. In a 1992 newspaper article, Dan Quayle, vice president to George Bush, crowed about situating the law so that there would be no labeling of genetically engineered products. Monsanto and other transgenic companies have a strangle hold higher education institutions through their insidious financial support where they have threatened land grant college government workers with losing their jobs if these employees speak about the transgenic policies even to their families.
This is not fair business practice. If transgenic technology is worth something, why can't it be advertised like all other products are? Why does Monsanto have to arrange themselves to buy the government and crack down on government workers in order to sell their products? What are they hiding? Why do scientists who have made studies of what is happening with transgenic products get sidelined in various ways if they do not tow the Monsanto/transgenic line?
We not only need to be concerned with our staples such as corn, soybeans, cotton, canola oil, sugar beets, and now alfalfa. GMO seed is no longer just a nightmare. Now we need to be watchful in our OWN GARDENS. (Cotton is most dangerous to humans through cottonseed oil that is used in food.)
Monsanto IS the largest seed company in the world, but they hide it by continuing to operate under the names of the companies they have acquired (over 70 of them). They hold 81 patents on seeds.
In one of its purchasing maneuvers in 2005, Monsanto now owns the largest wholesale vegetable seed company in the world. This means YOUR BACK YARD now can have transgenic vegetables if you are not watchful!!!! Zucchini and yellow crookneck could be contaminated. Monsanto's subsidiary seed companies as well as other retail seed companies are beginning to ply the American public with transgenicly or genetically modified vegetable varieties without the public really being able to know about it. When companies do not allow the public to know what is going on with a product and knowingly hide this and make sure that laws are tilted toward their company's intention, this could be called Fascist.
How to have a choice in your vegetable garden (and avoid GMO seed): 1. Buy certified organic or Demeter certified seed
2. Buy from companies which offer heirloom and open pollinated seed
3. Buy from companies who carry the safe seed pledge
4. Learn to save some of your seed
5. Buy from people who you know are committed to clean seed
Because we live in an area where GMO's are the norm, we do not want to give my name or location on a website. That is not a symptom of a free country. Please take note of this and keep pressure on your favorite grocery toward labeling the GMO foods.