As organic farmers, we have extreme concerns about our ability to continue to farm organically because of the threat from Monsanto’s transgenic contamination into our organic crops. There are no barriers to prevent transgenic contamination from plant to plant, from plant to animal including to humans. This fact alone is an ecological catastrophe to our world. There has been no independent, long term, in depth studies conducted to prove the safety of GMO transgenic feed and foods. The dangers of transgenic genes are a threat to every living being. As the organic certification system does not allow transgenic feed or seed, this silent but hideous contamination threatens our livelihood through no fault of our own.
Transgenic contamination will eliminate our home grown organic feeds, which supply nutrition for our organic dairy cows. Transgenic contamination will also significantly reduce the supply of organic feed available for us to purchase as supplemental grain or hay.
Monsanto’s transgenic contamination will eliminate our future organic feed resources, both home raised and available for purchase. We will have no supply of organic feed for our cows in the future. Transgenic contamination will put our Family’s Organic Farm out of business.
We must protect the environment, farmers’ livelihood, public health and people’s right to non-GMO (non-transgenic) food contamination.