“Patents on life are wrong because life is not an invention. Pollution is wrong , and ‘Polluter Pays’ is the principle that should apply in all forms of pollution, including genetic pollution. But in Monsanto’s upside down, wrong is right world, patents are being used to create a regime of ‘Polluter Gets Paid.’
“Transgenic trespass has become an outrageous ethical trespass. It must stop” —Vandana Shiva, Founder of Navdanya
In March 2012 when Vandana Shiva spoke at the University of Virginia, a faculty member, Josef Beery, and several of his students presented her with this poster they had printed, and copies of it were sold for the benefit of Navdanya. She then spoke about reverence and love for the cow as a metaphor demonstrating respect for the wisdom of the natural system.
Josef Beery is a Navdanya member, and he created the image of the cow for the poster.