OSGATA develops, protects and promotes the organic seed trade and its growers, and assures that the organic community has access to excellent quality organic seed, free of contaminants and adapted to the diverse needs of local organic agriculture. The OSGATA policy on Genetically Modified Organisms is as follows: GMO contamination of organic seed constitutes irreparable harm to the organic seed industry and undermines the integrity of organic seed. Any detectable level is unacceptable.
The Farm Report: Jim Gerritsen of OSGATA. Learn about the extensiveness of Monsanto's patent rights, and how their “intellectual property” can contaminate organic seed through the air. Learn more about the OSGATA vs. Monsanto lawsuit, and why it appears that Monsanto has been inconsistent in terms of its legal stance toward GMO contamination.
OSGATA President Jim Gerritsen speaking to Food Integrity Now about the filing of the appeal petition with the Supreme Court on September 5, 2013. Audio Recording of the Interview
OSGATA President Jim Gerritsen speaking to Erin Fairbanks of the Heritage Radio Network in December 2012. Audio Recording of the Interview